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Team Deerleap's Charity Day in Aid of 'Ambitious About Autism'

This week ,Team Deerleap has been learning all about their class charity, 'Ambitious About Autism'.

They held a JUST clothes day to raise awareness of how clothes can help with sensory regulation and provide routine, acceptance and comfort.

In addition, Team Deerleap also held an after school Charity Cake Sale and raised an amazing £127.79!

A special thank all our Team Deerleap children and parents/guardians who got their baking hats on or helped to provide such delicious treats and thank you  to all children and families who bought some of the baked goodness and helped raise this fantastic sum.

We are extremely grateful for all of your support. 

To find out more about 'Ambitious About Autism' and all of their hard work, please click here